Wednesday, August 1

The Early Days of Video Search

Engines, Marketers Are Working to Optimize Results, but No One Can
Figure Out How to Monetize This Market

By now, everyone knows full episodes of ABC prime-time shows are
available on the network's website, But let's say you didn't
know that -- and you were looking online for the final episode of the
most recent season of "Lost." You might go where most people go to
look for things online: Google. You type in the words "Lost final
episode video." What's the first result?
1. The "Saturday Night Live" sketch "Lazy Sunday" broke out as a viral
hit on YouTube.
Lazy Sunday YouTube
2. But a Google search for "SNL videos" turned up nothing from NBC on
the first page of results -- until the network undertook some major
video-search-optimization efforts.
Lazy Sunday YouTube
3. Now the top search result on Google for "SNL videos" is a rich NBC site.
Lazy Sunday YouTube
A three-minute YouTube clip that's not the final episode at all but a
spoof from the Consumer Electronics Show of Kate and Sawyer walking on
the beach talking about going to Vegas to see how the HD DVD/Blu-ray
rivalry plays out -- with Spanish subtitles. Not at all what you were
looking for, to say the least.

This scenario is likely to change as Google improves its video-search
function and as video sites it didn't use to detect -- such as's Flash player -- start to become more relevant. Of course,
you could search again, refining your keywords until you find what you
want. But this example also illustrates the immaturity of the
video-search market. No proven, paid video-search model exists yet.

Richard Hagerty, CEO of Impaqt, a search-engine-marketing agency
outside of Pittsburgh, says the state of video search reminds him of
where text search was seven years ago -- in part because monetization
of video search barely exists, if at all, and mostly because of the
relatively rudimentary ways in which marketers optimize video to show
up in search results.

"In the early days of search, you had a big title tag, a graphic in
the middle of the page and a description describing the page," he
says. "We're back to that with video."

No universal standard
"We're still in the early stage in terms of marketing opportunities
for video search," agrees David Berkowitz, director of emerging media
and client strategy at 360i, which boasts video-heavy companies such
as NBC Universal, Scripps Networks and MTV Networks as search clients.
"It's in natural search where more opportunity lies." He says one of
the problems with video search that doesn't plague text search is
there isn't a universal standard for how videos get indexed into
search engines.

Mr. Berkowitz points to an example of how his firm has optimized video
so that it shows up higher in search results. When the "Saturday Night
Live" hit "Lazy Sunday," a hip-hop-music-video parody starring Andy
Samberg, went viral on YouTube in December 2005, NBC was nowhere to be
found in the first page of results for a Google search on "SNL
videos." After major video-search-optimization efforts, the SNL video
page showed up first. Mr. Berkowitz also credits optimization efforts
for ensuring NBC video sites show up in the top half of results for
other phrases, such as "Friday Night Lights," ahead of other popular
sites such as IMDB, and Wikipedia.

Marketers will have to play closer attention to such optimization
tactics as more of them begin to add video to their sites to explain
complex stories that can be better told in sight, sound and motion.
How will consumers find those videos?

More video searches
Consumers, too, are increasingly interested in video. Tim Tuttle, who
runs all of AOL's video-search efforts under the brand name Truveo, a
company AOL acquired 18 months ago, says he's seen search queries
steadily increase -- up 40% month-over-month since November 2006.

Previously one had to search for video on a separate search channel,
Google Video, which began life as a video-hosting site where you could
watch, buy and rent online videos of TV shows. After Google acquired
YouTube last year, it made YouTube its video-hosting site and turned
Google Video into a video-search destination.

The only trouble is, until recently, Google Video searched only the
videos hosted on Google sites -- not videos across the web.

Google is joined by a slew of start-up competitors and established
portals that are hoping to make a name for themselves with
sophisticated video-search techniques that include things such as
converting speech to text and detecting images that appear within

Letting others in
Suranga Chandratillake, CEO of video search engine Blinkx, says
Google's previously closed video-search system has opened the door for
companies such as Blinkx to be the next Google.

Still unclear is how video search engines intend to make money off
video searches -- there is no set model for advertising like there is
with the $7 billion text-search industry. Blinkx, for one, is trying
to use its technology to place contextual advertising in video
content. "We want to help people find content and help people get
relevant ads for that content," he says. Blinkx outsources its ad
sales to, another indication of how nascent the
industry is.

The hurdle Blinkx and other start-ups may run into is how to get
traffic when consumer search behavior is ingrained. When searching,
people naturally gravitate to Google. And when looking for video,
people still tend to go to YouTube.

Take 360i's Mr. Berkowitz, for example. He recalls staying in Las
Vegas recently and noticing a particular comedian was performing in
his hotel. He wanted to check out the comedian in action before
splurging on a ticket, so the first place he stopped was

"YouTube has already branded itself a video search engine, but it's
not a great experience," he says. "Increasingly, I won't need to take
that extra step if I realize Google will have it [in its Universal
Search results]."

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