Monday, March 17

Brightroll Ads, Now in HD

Months after receiving $5 million in funding, Brightroll's video
advertising network is coming out with HD ad units, enabling brands to
deliver HD-quality advertisements across Brightroll's network of
content publishers. Despite initial hesitation to push HD content
across the web, the continued merging of web and home theater
entertainment, along with increased use of web distribution for
premium and broadcast network content has kept the spreading of HD
content going across the Internet.

Given the current climate for video advertising and the promise most
content providers and marketers think video advertising holds, it's an
expected progression for an online video advertising network to make.
Finding ways for advertisements to best fit into existing content is a
key component of brands to strive towards, and Brightroll is looking
to make itself a more attractive advertising network in supporting HD

In doing so, Brightroll is also straddling the fence that currently
divides web and home theater content, even as these two channels of
content delivery are finding more and more ways to overlap each other.
By supporting HD ads, those brands with HD-ready marketing content can
turn to Brightroll for a turnkey solution that fits with existing
content to be spread across the web.

Of course, there's lots more than just HD offering to being the
prominent or all-inclusive advertising solution for online ads, but
it's evident that Brightroll is really appealing to the bigger brand
names with this latest feature. Brightroll already has a good-sized
list of brand name clients, so HD ads is something that Brightroll
needs to do in order to provide continued value as an online
advertising service.

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