Monday, October 9

In-Banner Video Advertising

By Jeremy  Lockhorn, on ClickZ:

"(...) Multiple Videos and Seamless Expansions:  Movie studios have been using in-banner video for years. It's a natural for  them. And it's probably the one instance where I'll grant you that taking a :30  TV spot (the trailer) and running it in a banner is a decent idea. But I  wouldn't leave it at that. Make it more immersive and engaging.  They're experimenting there as well with lots of expanding ads, often with  multiple videos, trailers and clips. Many feature downloads such as screensavers  or desktop wallpaper. Most do a great job at providing some value in the form of  entertainment and additional unexpected information to the consumer in exchange  for attention, all without being too intrusive.  
Branching Ads: Recently, I've seen a few examples of TV spots repurposed and enhanced with  interactive extensions. The spot plays, but at the end of 15 or 30 seconds it  provides choices about where to go to next. It's kind of like a  choose-your-own-adventure book. One for a pharmaceutical product featured a  spokesperson doing his normal gig. But as the ad wrapped, three members of the  production crew came over to ask the spokesperson questions about the drug.  You're then given the choice to click on any of the crew members to watch video  of his question and the spokesperson's answer. It winds up feeling a little  disjointed, but it's a great first step towards more interactive, engaging  video. At least it's miles better than simply taking the TV spot and throwing it  into a 300 x 250 banner.  

Original Video: It's still extremely rare to see video in a banner that was been shot  specifically for that format. There are a host of excuses for this. Production's  expensive, reach is limited, video quality is weak, broadband isn't growing fast  enough, the consumer experience can be bad, why pay all that money for something  that's not guaranteed even to be watched amid the clutter, etc. Suffice it to  say I use "excuse" very deliberately. (...)"

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