Tuesday, February 12

Taking the Next Step in Online Video Advertising

By Christine Beardsell, The ClickZ Network

It seems like a new fact, figure, or news story pops up every day that
further validates online video as the next revolutionary advertising
platform. For the most part, marketers know the Internet isn't just
another channel for distributing :30 broadcast spots; it's a place to
start having real conversations.

But realizing the potential of online video advertising is much
different than doing something about it. The big dark void that still
sits between realizing and doing hasn't necessarily grown smaller.
It's just been filled with a lot of chatter.

Case in point: the beloved in-stream video and overlay ads. YouTube,
Hulu, Joost, Brightcove, and endless other content providers are
seeking fast, scalable advertising models. Now, with announcements
from companies like FreeWheel, such interruptive models will soon

The question: where do real conversations fit into these models? Sure,
we can now market a car racing show within (or on top of) a video
about cars, but what about the interactivity and conversations we keep
hearing about?

The online advertising industry needs new online models that drive
imagination and diversity rather than convention and standardization.
We need easier ways to create experiences people want to seek out,
rather than click away from. How do we start to fill that gaping void?

Shifting Dollars Online

It takes but a look at the Super Bowl to see where most marketing
money is still going. How can advertisers begin to develop new online
models and create truly compelling video content without a hearty
budget that competes with the offline model?

Part of the problem (and advertisers are at fault here, too) is that
the industry still believes online video is cheap. Just because a
YouTuber can use a $150 camcorder to make a pixilated video a million
people will watch doesn't mean every brand can. Or should. While
there's the occasional viral video success story, it's hardly the

Until agencies stop telling clients "we can do that for $10,000," and
until clients stop asking their agencies to "do that for $10,000,"
we'll never be able to see what real money can do in the online video
space. People love beautifully shot and directed footage with
superstar talent and amazing special effects. Audiences respond to
that quality in any setting.

In addition, the experience is no longer about creating for a single
destination, it's about creating for multiple destination,
syndication, and distribution outlets. Producers require the budgets
to do it right.

The ideal online production shoot may consist of a chroma key (define)
for a live-action avatar creation, a photographer to capture high
quality stills, and additional video and audio production to be
scripted/shot for contextual placements. That's all on top of the
traditional video shoot needs!

Investing in Alternative Ad Models

In-stream video ads and overlays are a quick, scalable way to monetize
online content. That model isn't going away anytime soon. But what
about investing money toward the research and development of models
that aren't centered around entertainment? How about creating scalable
models driven by people's needs?

My last column discussed the brand utility supported entertainment
model in which content providers and marketers work upstream to create
customized complimentary experiences. One option would be to align
this model with the open standard objectives of DataPortability.org.
Their mission: to gather "existing open standards into a blueprint for
a social, open, remixable Web where your online identity, media,
contacts and content can follow you wherever you go."

For brands and content creators, that means conversation would truly
have to be initiated by the user. The user would own the data, and the
brand content offering would have to be valuable enough to warrant an
exchange. In essence, brand content would be bought with "data

Why would this be a good model for marketers?

There are brand enthusiasts who participate in campaigns on an ongoing
basis. Yet each time they return, these fans must register and sign-up
for the full experience. If the brand were to embrace technologies
such as OpenID, not only would it provide their fans access to
cross-promotional properties around that campaign, it would also
provide easy access to all future campaigns. And with future potential
of data portability, people could take those experiences with them,
introducing content to friends and hopefully igniting passionate new

Could this lead to the most ideal scalable model ever -- a tangible
word-of-mouth engine?

Online video advertising has a ways to go before it reaches
revolutionary status. We need to be willing to take the next steps.
That means more money allocated to develop a unique cross-channel
storytelling experience, and more research and development toward
innovative new models.

Perhaps then online video advertising will have a chance to live up to
the potential we all know it has.

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